Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Eric For Sale To Lowest Bidder

This Dude for Sale πŸ‘πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ‘

πŸ‘πŸ½You can re-name him to suit your needs
πŸ‘πŸ½Good with Facebook 

For immediate sale, one baby daddy, slightly used. If interested, please inquire. Details below:

Model: Caucasian
Gender: Male
Quantity: 1
Previous Owners: 4k
Accessories: no baggage
Status: single
Age: 29
Hair: short dark blonde and gel'd
Vision: nearsighted for other women, hazel
Special skills: puts toilet seat down after use and loves bouncy houses
Training: self-cleaning, jumping ship
Personality: funny (not) and honest (not)
Known defects: All that you can think of and uses hair gel
Runs on: Thai food and hamburgers
Habitat: midtown Baltimore
Co-habitation: none (no roommates)
Last rotation: 2 months ago
Compatible with: unknown
Annual checkup: technician's report: "future outlook is bright"
Known allergies: mildly allergic to cats (goes away after a day)
Finances: low debt, good bank balance
Movies: yes
Dinner: preferably with the opposite sex
TV: only HBO
Cloned: yes
Original model: yes
Languages: English, HTML
Sex: varies
Programmable: yes
Condition: a few dents
Price: best offer

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